***Heyhey, Dea here. I'm in the process of allocating my studio insta posts to here bc fuck meta. Here it will be a much more fun and modern experience and I can make it exactly how I want. Anyway!..on this page you'll find exclusive media like promo shoots, session photos, scans, and other sweet things about my solo project Anons Infidelity. Be sure to join my mailing list to be the first to see new stuff! Enjoy!!!
Laura Jane Wilson and I got to work in the summer of 2020 with a spree of tape demos, artistic concepts and promo shoots. Our collaborations would be unfortunately-shortlived, nonetheless creating the foundational inspiration of which Anons Infidelity is today. We'd stroll through the forests and fields of Warren G Magnuson Park over a joint, sitting among the honeybees on kite hill and soaking in the at-the-time abandoned outside world. I played her the first demo of Everclear over the stereo of her Mercedes SUV, and we both knew something big was about to go down. Most of the demo work we did during this era is available on Soundcloud, off The Dusty Shelf Demos album.
.....post shadow promoshoot @ The Junction Building stairway in Ballard; early 2022. final promo shoot w/ LJW
sauna photoshoot; early 2021
For a bit of background: We grew up together as cousins and off-and-on close friends. In late 2019, after a set of particularly tumultuous breakups in both our lives we convened at Hotel Albatross (gone since 12/31/22), Ballard's then-finest tiki bar and nautical port destination, commiserating over potent rum-based libations. The ill-fated Hotel Albatross, after our stay, would go on to become a symbol of great inspiration to Anons Infidelity, as well as what would eventually become my recording studio. When Coronavirus hit our homestate a few months later, LJW and I became close again during the days of quarantine. It was then that we decided to try and experiment with making music for the first time in many years, seeing as we had nothing but time with all of our professional ambitions on hold. As the months turned into summer, we were brainstorming a bandname. We decided on Anons Infidelity [it's a looong twisted story]. Song ideas were flowing in, as were lyrics and concepts.
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